Bullfrog-Halls Crossing - Dry Storage
Dry Storage
Phone Number | 435.684.3018 |
Email Address | northlakedrystorage@aramark.com |
Hours | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (Utah Time) |
From personal watercraft to 75’ houseboats, Bullfrog Marina is equipped to pull your boat for the season—using your trailer or ours—and store it for any length of time. Once dry-docked, it’s an excellent time to give your hull a thorough inspection and to take care of maintenance and repairs—so next spring you’re ready for an effortless season of boating.
Long-Term Dry Storage:
Vessel Size Monthly Rate
- 12’ to 24’11” $2.25 per foot
- 25’ to 34’11” $2.50 per foot
- 35’ to 75’ less than 12’ beam $3.00 per foot
- 35’ to 75’ w/ 12’ to 14’11” $3.50 per foot
- 35’ to 75’ w/ 15’ to 16’ $4.00 per foot
- 35’ to 75’ w/ 16’ + beam $4.50 per foot
- Boat Trailer Storage $32 flat rate
- Personal Watercraft - $20.00 flat
- Annual Discount 11 months & 1 month free
*Prorates- Before the 15th, charge prorates & deposit. After 15th add first month.
Short-Term Dry Storage:
Vessel Size Weekly Rate
- Up to 27’ $50
- More than 27’ $100
Transportation For-Hire Services:
Transportation with your own trailer:
Vessels on trailers must be properly licensed and must meet DOT safety requirements.
Vessel Size Per Half Hour
PWC to 27’ $30
27’1” to 34’11” $40
35’ and above $75
Vessel Size Per Half Hour
- Under 75’ long $12 per foot
- At or over 75’ long and 18’ wide $18 per foot
- Blocking $99 per hour
- Equipment $250 per hour
**Transports to surrounding area will be quoted based on permit and pilot car fees
To ensure a great boating season on Lake Powell, we would like to help you prepare for safe and trouble free launch and retrieval service. The following are policies and procedures for launch and retrieval by Lake Powell Resorts & Marinas:
Before a vessel or trailer can be transported by our drivers, the following items will be inspected:
1. Overall Condition of Trailer – Must be free of any major damage.
2. Running Gear – Condition of tires, wheels, lug nuts, bearing buddies and wheel bearings.
3. Trailer Lights – Operable, condition of wiring harness and plug end.
4. Vessel Properly Secured – Bow strap secured, outdrive in upward position.
5. License Plate – Current registration and properly mounted.
6. Detachable Items Secured – Spare tire, sideboards, etc.
7. Break Away Mechanism – Cable & insert in working order if equipped.
8. Trailer Hitch – Free of damage and in proper working condition.
If any damage or mechanical issues are found, repairs must be made before transport of the vessel. Information on trailer repair facilities is available through the Dry Storage Office.
Please contact your applicable Dry Storage Office to arrange for your launch & retrieval services.
Need your boat pulled for maintenance, repairs and surveys but don’t have the trailer? Give us a call and we will make the arrangement for you!
- Aquatic Invasive Species (PDF)
- AutoPay (PDF)
- Bullfrog Dry Storage Policies and Procedures (PDF)
Request Forms:
- Service Request Form for Bullfrog and Hall’s Crossing
- Sign Up Request for Bullfrog and Hall’s Crossing
If you prefer another communication option, we offer more ways for you to reach us:
Live Marina Updates Stay up to date on events, maintenance and other lake information! |
Mechanical Services | Non-Mechanical Services | Overnight Slips | Dry Storage | Do-It-Yourself Work Area

Dry Storage Requests
Follow the link below for Dry Storage Sign Up and Dry Storage Service Requests